Our “Inspiration Feeder” presents to you short interviews with interesting visual artists from around the globe. Today in focus: Julieanne Kost.
Where do you come from?
I was born and raised near San Francisco, California where I went to school for Psychology and Photography.
How long have you been doing photography?
I’ve been photographing for over 35 years
How will you define your style and how long did it take you to build it?
I have had the fortune of working and traveling for Adobe since the early 1990’s which has exposed me to many different kinds of photography as well as diverse creative “processes” that photographers use to create their images. I believe that seeing so many various types of images actually extended the amount of time that it took me to define my own style as I was constantly questioning and refining my vision. Today, I would venture to say that I have at least two distinct styles – one that is based on compositing several different images together to create a surreal world, and one that focuses more on graphic shapes, details, and abstractions found in nature. I don’t necessarily want to get locked into “one style”. Instead, I hope that my photography continues to evolve as I find new projects and assignments that I want to explore and photograph.
What would you say is the thing that most inspires you? / What is your main source of inspiration?
My primary source of inspiration is from the written word – I’m constantly reading all sorts of books. I’m an introvert so I also make sure that I spend time alone in the outdoors to replenish my energy and keep me motivated. When I started photography, (visiting national parks as a teenager), I always tried to make images that were different from my parents. To this day, I challenge myself to do the same thing – first, I will research the location and study the photographs that others have taken of the area. Then, when I arrive, I look for photographs that I haven’t seen before which forces me to look for unique and fresh compositions in the area.
Website: https://jkost.net/
Instagram: @jkost
Facebook: @julieannekost
Behance: Julieanne Kost