Our “Inspiration Feeder” presents to you short interviews with interesting visual artists from around the globe. Today in focus: Skanda Gautam.
How old are you?
I am 30 years old.
Where do you come from?
Born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal.
How long have you been doing photography?
I have been in this field working in a newspaper as a photojournalist since the past 6 years.
How would you define your style?
I like to play with certain types of light, color that makes an image pop out and try to avoid disturbances in the background. I also don’t edit because I like it keep it as real as possible. My style I would say is to show different moods and feelings in a single photo to make the audience get a deep feeling when seeing an image.
How long do you think it took you to find your personal style of shooting?
Before when I started I was raw I took pictures of anything I saw it was all random, no sense in style and shooting would just get the job done. But since 2016 I tried to work differently and show a picture in terms of angle, frame, composition uniquely and apart from the rest. But still I could not find my own style so I would say I developed differences and my own personal touch just maybe around 2 years back.
What would you say is the thing that most inspires you? / What is your main source of inspiration?
When someone appreciates your work, when you get awesome feedbacks and lovely comments is an inspiration. But it’s not only that when your image is published on the newspaper you work for in the front page the next day like a really big picture then that day I get more inspired and when my work is featured across the world I get even more inspired.
You can find more about Skanda Gautam here:
Instagram: @skandagautam
Behance: Skanda Gautam