Our “Inspiration Feeder” presents to you short interviews with interesting visual artists from around the globe. Today in focus: Daniel Kainz.
How old are you?
I’m 28 years old.
Where do you come from?
I’m born and raised in Carinthia, Austria. Lived a few years abroad and now I’m back in Austria. Living and working in Salzburg.
How long have you been doing photography?
I got my first DSLR about ten years ago. My interest in photography arose when I was about 15 years old, if I remember correctly.
How would you define your style?
That’s tough one. I gave an interview a few years ago and described my style as “dreamlike”. If you scroll through my feed you are going to see that my style evolves over time. It changes. I started with basic things like travel photography, but after my job gained more and more importance in my life (I’m not working as a photographer, though) travelling would become infrequent. That was the point I knew I had to change my style if I want to continue with photography as I can’t travel all the time. In 2015 I moved back to Austria and, somehow, I realised, or should I say, started to see all the beauty that surrounds us all the time again. I kept an eye on everyday stuff, things that everybody can find themselves in their close surrounding. So basically, to get it summarised in one sentence – “don’t let your mind limit your vision” – photography. I hope you get what I am trying to say. Oh, and of course I love Photoshop and especially colours, colour-combinations and their impact on people.
How long do you think it took you to find your personal style of shooting?
It took a long time. And it still takes time. I do not want to persist in my view. I want to see, learn and experience new things, emotions and impressions. So my style will always, as long as I’m shooting, continue to evolve. Right now I’m all in for aqua- and sand-tones. I like it.
What would you say is the thing that most inspires you? / What is your main source of inspiration?
My main source of inspiration is my mind. I hope this does not sound arrogant. I can’t look at Instagram or photography sites. There are too many ideas, which I want to try, in my own head already.
You can find more about Daniel Kainz here:
Сайт: https://danielkainz.com
Instagram: @_arkyn