Our “Inspiration Feeder” presents to you short interviews with interesting visual artists from around the globe. Today in focus: Humberto (Salo) Dominguez.
How old are you?
I’m in my 50s.
Where do you come from?
I’m originally from Ecuador, grew up in Brooklyn, NY, still live in NYC
How long have you been doing photography?
I’ve experimented with art in general all my life, spent a good deal drawing, painting, and photographing here and there, sometimes as a corollary to my painting projects. Life and professional endeavors sort of put that on hold. Until 2012, when I got into Facebook, which I considered (still do) rather lame but it introduced me to Instagram. Slowly I started shooting and, very importantly, editing, which has brought me back to painting, as it were.
How would you define your style?
I like geometry and at one point thought of becoming an architect, but eventually became a lawyer, instead. Lol. I also seem to be intent in marrying painting and geometry. So I would describe my style as painterly. Some of my imagery have surreal themes. I also write for my images and often have to make the images sort of correspond with the writing, which can be difficult and/or tricky.
How long do you think it took you to find your personal style of shooting?
Not long, perhaps a year or less, but what did take long, and is a work in progress really, is the sophistication of the image. I use a whole range of apps and am constantly trying to explore with others to see if I can make an image even better.
What would you say is the thing that most inspires you? / What is your main source of inspiration?
Lots of things. Paintings, other people’s shots, some incredibly developed artists I see in IG, in other platforms. It’s challenging to develop an image, sometimes a very average looking shot, and polish it to the point that is totally transformed.
You can find more about Humberto (Salo) Dominguez here:
Instagram: @salopalo