Our “Inspiration Feeder” presents to you short interviews with interesting visual artists from around the globe. Today in focus: Tobias Roetsch.
How old are you?
I was born in 1987.
Where do you come from?
I was born in a little village near Dresden, Germany. Today I am living in Dresden. For me it is one of the most beautiful cities in Germany or even in Europe. My photography is focused on landscapes and architecture, therefore I am really blessed to live here. With the Saxon Switzerland around the corner I could not ask for more.
How long have you been doing photography?
I started taking photos in 2006 when I purchased my first DSLR (Canon 350D). Because I am self-taught, it took me a bit longer to reach a certain quality standard. Of course you only see the difference later when you look back at your early work.
How long do you think it took you to find your personal style of shooting?
As I just said it has taken me a bit longer to come up with a decent style. And this process has not ended yet… so the answer is 14 years. You should never stop to try new things because there is always room for improvement. It is also a question of your equipment. Of course the eye is taking the picture, but at some point you need the right gear to realize your visions. I know what I am talking about because I have been going the long way from the Canon 350D, over the 50D to 7D to 5D mk II to 5D mk IV (same for lenses).
What would you say is the thing that most inspires you? / What is your main source of inspiration?
Nature is what inspires me the most. No matter if it’s an animal, a big old tree, a mountain, the sunrise or sunset. Each moment is different. Having said that I am looking up to the photographers working for National Geographic the most because they manage to capture nature’s beauty perfectly.
You can find more about Tobias Roetsch here:
Сайт: https://gtgraphics.de/en
Facebook: Tobias Roetsch
Instagram: @gtgraphics.de
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