13 with VillyInterviewsOriginal publications

Maya Doychinova – I don’t look for inspiration, it just finds me

Photography has been my passion for years. I had a camera from an early age and so my artistic sense developed over the years. Back in the days of analog cameras and film, I had a home darkroom to develop film and take photos. I have had incredible moments of creativity, change, success and failure.…

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13 with VillyInterviewsOriginal publications Фотограф: Янко Джемеренов

Yanko Djemerenov: If we were a little more fearless, we would dare to change

“It’s always been very difficult for me to introduce myself. I have been through so many transformations and different environments in my life that I never know where to start and where to end. Professionally, I’ve been a computer club worker, a musician, an apprentice, a cursory experience as a manager of a small handmade…

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Inspiration Feeder Photographer: Martin Heigan

Inspiration Feeder: Martin Heigan

Our “Inspiration Feeder” presents to you short interviews with interesting visual artists from around the globe. Today in focus: Martin Heigan How old are you? Where do you come from Where do you come from? Johannesburg, South Africa. How long have you been doing photography? Ever since I had Photography as a subject when studying…

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